hi, greetings, HOLA! welcome to my webpage, happy to see you. i am making this with the little knowkledge of html i had from when i was like 9 years old, so thats why the site looks kinda ugly. this page isnt mobile friendly and will not look reaaaally good on another devices (and im not planning to fix that, sorry).
enjoy your stay and thank you for passing by... =]

my name is shelby claus The Real Slim Shady (...or well, just shelby), a venezuelan artist who likes character design and draw things. i also make music (uh, sometimes! I SWEAR!)
i maked this site to share my several projects, characters and art with the world. this site isnt supposed to look "good" or cool or whatever and, actually, i dont want it to look good; i want it to resemble the shitty profiles and pages i made thru the internet in the 2010s as a kid with unrestricted internet access.
also, ive always wanted a place to just put my thoughs and express myself... im very passional about the things i like and do.
if you want to know more about me, please stay a while. i hope you have fun teehee...